SEOSAW-GGG Herbaceous Protocol Training Workshop

The SEOSAW training covered how to sample grasses and other non-woody vegetation according to the GGG (Global Grassy Group – protocol. The GGG protocol is a standardised method of collecting herbaceous species composition and functional attributes. SEOSAW also trialled herbaceous biomass, and shrub protocols.  These protocols have all been designed as complementary to the SEOSAW tree, regeneration, and coarse woody debris protocols for a full estimation of vegetation biodiversity and biomass on SEOSAW plots.

This field workshop was hosted by TAFORI (Tanzania Forestry Research Institute), University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), and the University of Edinburgh (UK). SEOSAW also spent time with students from Sokoine University of Agriculture who joined us in the field to learn about herbaceous sampling methods. This training brought together early career foresters and ecologists from TAFORI (Tanzania), Dar es Salaam University (Tanzania), Forestry Training Institute-Olmotonyi (Tanzania), SAEON (South Africa), Kenya Forest Service, Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe, East African Herbarium-National Museums of Kenya, and Karatina University (Kenya) to learn new skills which they can utilize at their own PSP sites as well as fostering new and existing collaborations within and between African institutions.

Future Ecosystems For Africa

A unique opportunity for an Africa-led, Africa-centred program, which can influence thinking and action in novel, as yet unexplored ways